Prediction League Latest 09-10


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Round 1 - Stenhousemuir

Firstly welcome to the 2009-2010 Prediction league....

A 5-0 win is a great way to start the season but alas no one got the scoreline correct. Only 1 person went away from a saints win, so 64 people got a couple of points.

Milne was the opening scorer, good news for 20-30 of you, I have to confess I lost count of exactly how many.

And finally the crowd....

As many of you will be aware - the attendance points were changed for this season to take into account the anticipated higher crowds. 1 Consequence of this was that for away cup games at lower league teams almost everyone has got a point or 2 (but not all). So this week sees a bumper week of points so make the most of it before the season begins in proper.... Again there were quite a few so I gave up counting, the number I was after was 1049, within 50, 250 and 500 get 3pts, 2pts and 1pt respectively.

League Table after Round 1

7pts DuncM GhostofJimMorton SteveMcQueen Scoogz SingaporeSaint SoulfulSaint

6pts DanLovesSaints Muzz Marc05-sjfc Calloway 123WhoAreWe DavieD Kaylor88 StanleySaint Calinho Noose Longneck GeoffWasRight RebelSaint

5pts Pezza LethamSaint SaintDougie Wellsy CoastalSaint AncientSaint Chasney LewGti sjm89

4pts John1962 BurghSaint Saintj SaintSean StamfordSaintee Mike180279 LarkSaint ScottMc MadReferee PeterheadSaint SaintBear Scobby_SJFC SuperDave99 Akuram Mapleleaf Andy SainteesRule Coltrane Radford72 Slowhand InvernesSaint Aitchy Dylan-Saints Jimbo RyanGordon86 Dode Kelvin SaintlyChild Teamwork Tarvie

3pts Gaz WeeLee#1 Thomas-SJFC SaintinExile YellowArmy

2pts Tarzan Herdo

1pts -

If you think I have made a mistake with the points - let me know and I will try and clear it up and correct them.

Remember to get your predictions in for the league table and the up and coming league games....

Finally it was great to see such a big turnout on the prediction league this year for the first game......keep it up!!

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Round 2 - Motherwell

First league game out the way - all square at 2-2.

Chansey Only1SamMiller and InvernessSaint were the only 3 to get the scoreline spot on. Well done to you (5pts each).

123whoarewe broon stevemcqueen BigYin PH1Lad Jimbo rebelsaint McSaint DuncM Mike180279 and saintbear also went for the draw and get 2pts each.

Broon was the only one to get the opening scorer correct as davidson - 2pts to you.

as for the attendance punt - 5220 was the number I was after, 2people got within 50 and get 3pts - jimbo and SJFC_Chris_1884 - well done!

Quite a few others got with in 250 and 500 and get 2pts and 1pt respectively.

Wellsy bigyin burghsaint herdo sjfcsean calinho gaz ghost scobby all get a point,

tarvie mapleleaf coastalsaint 123whoarewe radford coltrane davieD ancient andy broon southapaw ph1lad only1sammiller saintlychild muzz tarzan all get 2pts.

Once again its great to see such large numbers of predictions - 75 this week! Keep them coming - dont forget the cup game and obviously the big one at celtic park next week

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Round 1 - Motherwell

League Table after Round 2

10pts 123WhoAreWe Chasney

9pts InvernesSaint SteveMcQueen Jimbo DuncM

8pts DavieD RebelSaint GhostofJimMorton

7pts Scoogz SingaporeSaint SoulfulSaint CoastalSaint AncientSaint Calinho Muzz Only1SamMiller

6pts DanLovesSaints Marc05-sjfc Calloway Kaylor88 StanleySaint Noose Longneck GeoffWasRight Mapleleaf Andy Wellsy Coltrane Radford72 SaintlyChild Tarvie Mike180279 SaintBear Broon

5pts Pezza LethamSaint SaintDougie LewGti sjm89 BurghSaint SaintSean Scobby_SJFC

4pts John1962 Saintj StamfordSaintee LarkSaint ScottMc MadReferee PeterheadSaint SuperDave99 Akuram SainteesRule Slowhand Aitchy Dylan-Saints RyanGordon86 Dode Kelvin Teamwork Gaz Tarzan PH1LAD

3pts WeeLee#1 Thomas-SJFC SaintinExile YellowArmy Herdo BigYin SJFc_Chris_SJFC

2pts Southpaw McSaint

1pts -

If you think I have made a mistake with the points - let me know and I will try and clear it up and correct them.

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Round 3 - Celtic

Well I dont think too many saints fans went to celtic expecting too much, I'm sure more important games will follow and this was a free match to enjoy. 5-2 defeat certainly proved exciting. No one got the scoreline but as you may expect 52 people went for the celtic win.

Fortune got the opening goal, good news for radford calloway ManWithNoName SJFC1988 chansey sjfcsean R_mac and weelee.

The attendance punt was changed for this one (games away at celtic and rangers only) with 1000 and 500 being the boundries for 1pt and 2pts.

superdave and nugget both got a point, while saintbear davieD scobby andy letham 123whoarewe stevemcqueen jimbo thomas SJFC1988 saintdon stanleysaint and larksaint all get 2pts

As you can imagine - I have a huge number of points to tally up, so if you spot a mistake or 2 then please let me know.

week points

6pts SJFC1988

4pts calloway radford thomas chansey stevemcqueen jimbo stanleysaint weelee sjfcsean scobby saintdon R_mc manwithnoname

3pts superdave99 nuggets

2pts andy wellsy 123whoarewe davieD invernesssaint aitchy dylan coastalsaint ancientsaint saintinexile herdo sjm89 scoogz calinho noose singaporesaint geoffwasright rebelsaint burghsaint gaz muzz pezza mike180279 larksaint tarzan scottmc peterheadsaint lethamsaint saintbear saintdougie broon southpaw bigyin only1sammiller mcsaint allybon phil perthsaintee12 glasgowceltic1967 chavo5880 slickDT rayblair

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Table after Round 3 - Celtic

14pts Chansey

13pts SteveMcQueen Jimbo

12pts 123WhoAreWe

11pts InvernesSaint

10pts Calloway Radford72 DavieD StanleySaint RebelSaint

9pts DuncM Muzz sjfcSean Scobby_SJFC Only1SamMiller CoastalSaint AncientSaint Scoogz Calinho SingaporeSaint

8pts GhostofJimMorton Mike180279 SaintBear Broon Andy Wellsy Noose GeoffWasRight

7pts SoulfulSaint BurghSaint SuperDave99 Pezza LethamSaint WeeLee#1 SaintDougie Thomas-SJFC sjm89

6pts DanLovesSaints Marc05-sjfc Kaylor88 Longneck Mapleleaf Coltrane SaintlyChild Tarvie Gaz LarkSaint Tarzan ScottMc PeterheadSaint SJFC1988 Aitchy Dylan-Saints

5pts LewGti BigYin SaintinExile Herdo

4pts John1962 Saintj StamfordSaintee MadReferee Akuram SainteesRule Slowhand RyanGordon86 Dode Kelvin Teamwork PH1LAD Southpaw McSaint ManWithNoName R_Mac Saint_Don

3pts YellowArmy SJFc_Chris_SJFC Nuggets

2pts AllyBon Phil Perth_Saintee12 GlasgowCeltic1967 Chavo5880 SlickDT RayBlair

1pts -

If you think I have made a mistake with the points - let me know and I will try and clear it up and correct them.

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Table after Round 4 - Arbroath

Free scoring saints hit 6 this week. saints games are far from dull at the moment - 6 this week, 7 goals at celtic last week an whole hat full of goals in the previous round of the cup and relatively quiet 2-2 draw against motherwell....

Normally I try and scribble out a brief sumary of who got what points each week but unfortunately i completely lost the plot half way through tallying up the points and consequently I have no idea (although the actual week points totals should be ok).

All I know is that everyone went for the saints win and get 2pts. Only PerthPower got the 6-0 scoreline correct (although several others were close) 5pts to you.

Most people got 2pts for the crowd - except coltrane geoffwasright jimbo dylan inverness and McSaint who got 1pt.

Marc05 singaporesaint chansey mapleleaf manwithnoname sjm89 tarvie scobby stamfordsaint rebel ghost and mike180279 all got 3pts for getting with in 50.

About 15 of you got the first scorer as steven milne.

This adds up to alot of points - so if i have made a mistake then please let me know. my apologies in advance. Make the most of it - there wont be too many games where everyone gets points for everything....

week points

7pts marc05 sjm89 tarvie PerthPower

6pts andy calloway 123whoarewe aitchy burghsaint superdave99 gaz sjfcsean saintbear bigyin saintdon

5pts mapleleaf chansey jimbo singaporesaint rebelsaint stamfordsaint mike180279 ghostofjimmorton scobby manwithnoname

4pts wellsy coastalsaint ancient radford davieD stevemcqueen saintinexile dode scoogz noose longneck duncM muzz pezza larksaint tarzan peterheadsaint saintdougie only1sammiller allybon nuggets rayblair mike_sjfc saintinthecity

3pts coltrane invernesssaint dylansaint geoffwasright Mcsaint

Edited by Jimbo
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Table after Round 4 - Arbroath

19pts Chansey

18pts 123WhoAreWe Jimbo

17pts SteveMcQueen

16pts Calloway

15pts sjfcSean RebelSaint

14pts SaintBear Scobby_SJFC Andy Radford72 DavieD InvernesSaint sjm89 SingaporeSaint

13pts BurghSaint SuperDave99 DuncM Muzz Mike180279 GhostofJimMorton Only1SamMiller Marc05-sjfc CoastalSaint AncientSaint Scoogz Tarvie

12pts Gaz Wellsy Aitchy Noose

11pts Pezza SaintDougie BigYin Mapleleaf GeoffWasRight

10pts StanleySaint LarkSaint Tarzan PeterheadSaint Saint_Don Longneck

9pts Calinho StamfordSaintee ManWithNoName Coltrane Dylan-Saints SaintinExile

8pts Broon Dode

7pts SoulfulSaint LethamSaint WeeLee#1 Thomas-SJFC McSaint Nuggets PerthPower

6pts DanLovesSaints Kaylor88 SaintlyChild ScottMc SJFC1988 AllyBon RayBlair

5pts LewGti Herdo

4pts John1962 Saintj MadReferee Akuram SainteesRule Slowhand RyanGordon86 Kelvin Teamwork PH1LAD Southpaw R_Mac Mike_sjfc SaintintheCity

3pts YellowArmy SJFc_Chris_SJFC

2pts Phil Perth_Saintee12 GlasgowCeltic1967 Chavo5880 SlickDT

1pts -

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Table after Round 5 - Hearts

another highscoring saints game - just the 4 goals this week being shared out in a 2-2 draw. Welldone to southpaw pezza duncm Jimbo rayblair scobby mcsaint R_mac gaz who went for 1-1 draws and get 2pts. saint dougie and rebelsaint went for 0-0 and get a couple of points each as well.

A few lucky people did get the scoreline spot on - scoogz burghsaint geoffwasright coltrane saintbear and yellowarmy all get 5pts for their correct prediction.

Davidson got the opener for saints today - well done to phil thomas macman saintdon and weelee who got this and get 2pts each.

Thankfully the attendance punt was less eventful for me to tally up than the arbroath game. the number i was after was 5825. frankgallacher chips olny1sammiler sainteesule noose bigyin geoffwasright calinho aitchy ancientsaint and tarzan all get a point for gettingwith in 500.

Singaporesaint wellsy southpaw radford scoogz nuggets calloway burghsaint macman theinspiration chansey coltrane duncM superdave and R_mac all get 2pts for getting within 250.

Herdo chavo and jimbo got within 50 and get 3pts each.

Another bumper turnout on the prediction league this week - keep it up. I think we have 95 on the prediction league list now (we reached about 70 to 80 over the whole of last season)

week points

7pts coltrane scoogz burghsaint

6pts geoffwasright

5pts jimbo yellowarmy saintbear

4pts duncM southpaw R_mac MacMan1410

3pts herdo chavo

2pts wellsy pezza radford weelee saintdougie scobby thomas superdave99 gaz singaporesaint rebelsaint chansey calloway mcsaint phil rayblair saintdon theInspiration

1pts ancientsaint tarzan calinho noose sainteesrule aitchy bigyin only1sammiller nuggets frankgallacher chips

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Table after Round 5 - Hearts

23pts Jimbo (dont worry it wont last!)


21pts Chansey

20pts BurghSaint Scoogz

19pts SaintBear

18pts 123WhoAreWe Calloway

17pts SteveMcQueen DuncM GeoffWasRight RebelSaint

16pts Scobby_SJFC Coltrane Radford72 SingaporeSaint

15pts sjfcSean SuperDave99

14pts Andy DavieD InvernesSaint sjm89 Gaz Only1SamMiller Wellsy AncientSaint

13pts Muzz Mike180279 GhostofJimMorton Marc05-sjfc CoastalSaint Tarvie Pezza SaintDougie Aitchy Noose

12pts BigYin Saint_Don

11pts Mapleleaf Tarzan

10pts StanleySaint LarkSaint PeterheadSaint Longneck Calinho

9pts StamfordSaintee ManWithNoName Dylan-Saints SaintinExile WeeLee#1 McSaint Thomas-SJFC

8pts Broon Dode Southpaw Nuggets RayBlair R_Mac Herdo YellowArmy

7pts SoulfulSaint LethamSaint PerthPower

6pts DanLovesSaints Kaylor88 SaintlyChild ScottMc SJFC1988 AllyBon

5pts LewGti Chavo5880 SainteesRule

4pts John1962 Saintj MadReferee Akuram Slowhand RyanGordon86 Kelvin Teamwork PH1LAD Mike_sjfc SaintintheCity Phil MacMan1410

3pts SJFc_Chris_SJFC

2pts Perth_Saintee12 GlasgowCeltic1967 SlickDT TheInspiration

1pts FrankGallacher Chips

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Table after Round 6 - StMirren

A lively game ending 1-1, st mirren still havent won on their new ground yet in the league and saints make it 3 draws and a defeat at parkhead for their first 4 games.

As per normal there are lots of points to hand out to you...10 people got the 1-1 scoreline - Wellsy radford calloway stevemcqueen sainteesrule southpaw tarzan sjfcsean muzz and weelee. well done to you guys!!

Only 4 others went for the draw and get 2pts each - 123whoarewe saintinexile duncM chips.

No one got Billy Mehmet to get the opener for the home team.

The crowd was 4543, Andy Radford scoogz BigYin rebelsaint and invernessaint all get with in 50! and get 3pts.

A whole list of people got 2pts (24 of you) and 1pt (21 of you).

week points

8pts radford

7pts sainteesrule wellsy southpaw

6pts calloway stevemcqueen weelee#1 muzz tarzan

5pts sjfcsean

4pts chips

3pts andy invernessaint scoogz rebelsaint duncM bigyin

2pts mapleleaf coastalsaint aitchy jimbo noose singaporesaint geoffwasright tarvie saintinexile 123whoarewe thomas chansey davieD gaz stamfordsaint saintbear allybon rayblair saintdon saintinthecity perthpower macman

1pts marc05-sjfc coltrane stanleysaint longneck yellowarmy pezza mike180279 larksaint peterheedsaint saintdougie only1sammiller mcsaint nuggets chavo5880 theinspiration

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Table after Round 6 - St Mirren

25pts Jimbo (2 weeks at the top!!)

24pts Calloway Radford72

23pts Chansey SteveMcQueen Scoogz


21pts Wellsy SaintBear

20pts BurghSaint 123WhoAreWe RebelSaint DuncM sjfcSean

19pts GeoffWasRight Muzz

18pts SingaporeSaint

17pts Andy Coltrane InvernesSaint Tarzan

16pts Scobby_SJFC DavieD Gaz

15pts SuperDave99 CoastalSaint Aitchy Noose Tarvie WeeLee#1 Southpaw BigYin Only1SamMiller

14pts sjm89 AncientSaint Marc05-sjfc Pezza Mike180279 SaintDougie Saint_Don

13pts GhostofJimMorton Mapleleaf

12pts SainteesRule

11pts Thomas-SJFC StanleySaint SaintinExile Longneck StamfordSaintee LarkSaint PeterheadSaint

10pts Calinho McSaint RayBlair

9pts ManWithNoName Dylan-SaintsYellowArmy Nuggets PerthPower

8pts Broon Dode R_Mac Herdo AllyBon

7pts SoulfulSaint LethamSaint

6pts DanLovesSaints Kaylor88 SaintlyChild ScottMc SJFC1988 Chavo5880 SaintintheCity MacMan1410

5pts LewGti Chips

4pts John1962 Saintj MadReferee Akuram Slowhand RyanGordon86 Kelvin Teamwork PH1LAD Mike_sjfc Phil

3pts SJFc_Chris_SJFC TheInspiration

2pts Perth_Saintee12 GlasgowCeltic1967 SlickDT

1pts FrankGallacher

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Table after Round 7 - Hibs Part1

A bit of a wake up call for saints this week 3-0 away at Hibs means we are still looking for our first win back in the spl. A bit tougher this week in the prediction league and many people leting their heart rule their head when it came to predicting.

Calloway and Muzz got the 3-0 scoreline spot on and get 5pts each - well done to you.

about 19 others went for the saints win.

Stokes got the 1st goal which provided a small silver lining to a bad afternoon for noose pezza herdo chansey southpaw weelee scobby.

The crowd was a bit tougher this week too - 10817 was the number i was after. the last few weeks there have been alot of attendance points from very predictable home games - this balances things up a little bit.

allybon sainteesrule saintbear chansey muzz dylan all get a point

mapleleaf radford coltrane davieD longneck noose pezza peterheedsaint tarzan southpaw and sjfc sean all get 2pts

Only Burghsaint lethamsaint herdo and mike180279 get 3pts for getting within 50

week points


6pts noose muzz pezza southpaw

5pts calloway chansey herdo mike180279

4pts radford sjfcsean peterheedsaint scobbysjfc

3pts burghsaint lethamsaint

2pts mapleleaf longneck geoffwasright rebelsaint coltrane andy davieD invernessaint aitchy jimbo saintinexile tarzan saintbear weelee bigyin nuggets NUSaintee

1pts sainteesrule dylan allybon

ps Dont forget its part 2 of the Hibs trips on tuesday this week - make sure you get your prediction in for that as well.

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Table after Round 7 - Hibs Part1

29pts Calloway

28pts Radford72 Chansey

27pts Jimbo


25pts Muzz

24pts sjfcSean

23pts SteveMcQueen Scoogz BurghSaint SaintBear

22pts RebelSaint

21pts Wellsy Noose GeoffWasRight Southpaw

20pts 123WhoAreWe DuncM Pezza Scobby_SJFC

19pts Andy Coltrane InvernesSaint Mike180279 Tarzan

18pts SingaporeSaint DavieD

17pts Aitchy WeeLee#1 BigYin

16pts Gaz

15pts SuperDave99 CoastalSaint Tarvie Only1SamMiller Mapleleaf PeterheadSaint

14pts sjm89 AncientSaint Marc05-sjfc SaintDougie Saint_Don

13pts GhostofJimMorton SainteesRule SaintinExile Herdo Longneck


11pts Thomas-SJFC StanleySaint StamfordSaintee LarkSaint Nuggets

10pts Calinho McSaint RayBlair Dylan-Saints LethamSaint

9pts ManWithNoName YellowArmy PerthPower AllyBon

8pts Broon Dode R_Mac

7pts SoulfulSaint

6pts DanLovesSaints Kaylor88 SaintlyChild ScottMc SJFC1988 Chavo5880 SaintintheCity MacMan1410

5pts LewGti Chips

4pts John1962 Saintj MadReferee Akuram Slowhand RyanGordon86 Kelvin Teamwork PH1LAD Mike_sjfc Phil

3pts SJFc_Chris_SJFC TheInspiration

2pts Perth_Saintee12 GlasgowCeltic1967 SlickDT NUSaintee

1pts FrankGallacher

Remember the rematch mid week - make sure you dont forget to predict for that one!!

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Table after Round 8 - Hibs Part 2

Revenge on the league defeat last weekend but i would imagine most would prefer 3pts rather than a place in the next round. 3-1 the score - no one matched this for the prediction league. 16 of you did go for the saints win - well done to you.

Stokes got the opener for them very early on tonight, jimbo macman dylan pezza calloway mike and weelee all got this and get 2pts each

the crowd was a bit less than on saturday - only 6789. this didnt put people of getting attendance points though. wellsy duncM only1sammiller superdave dylan calloway stamfordsaint rebelsaint and saint don got within 500.

sainteesrule ancientsaint pezza coltrane herdo perthpower sjfcsean lethamsaint gaz scobby and weelee got within 250

Just PeterheedSaint got within 50 and gets 3pts.

week points

4pts coltrane pezza lethamsaint weelee scobby perthpower

3pts wellsy calloway dylan peterheedsaint

2pts andy thomas davieD jimbo herdo gaz muzz sainteesrule ancientsaint sjfcsean mike180279 ghostofjimmorton saintbear saintdougie bigyin chavo sjfc.spl.09-10 macman saintinthecity

1pts rebelsaint superdave99 duncM stamfordsaint only1sammiller saintDon

I am away this weekend so I will update the table after round 9 on monday next week

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Table after Round 8 - Hibs Part 2

32pts Calloway



29pts Jimbo

28pts Radford72 Chansey

27pts Muzz

26pts sjfcSean

25pts SaintBear

24pts Pezza Scobby_SJFC Wellsy

23pts SteveMcQueen Scoogz BurghSaint Coltrane RebelSaint


21pts Noose GeoffWasRight Southpaw DuncM Mike180279 WeeLee#1 Andy

20pts 123WhoAreWe DavieD

19pts InvernesSaint Tarzan BigYin

18pts SingaporeSaint Gaz PeterheadSaint

17pts Aitchy

16pts SuperDave99 SaintDougie Only1SamMiller AncientSaint

15pts CoastalSaint Tarvie Mapleleaf GhostofJimMorton Saint_Don SainteesRule Herdo

14pts sjm89 Marc05-sjfc LethamSaint

13pts SaintinExile Longneck Thomas-SJFC Dylan-Saints PerthPower

12pts StamfordSaintee

11pts StanleySaint LarkSaint Nuggets

10pts Calinho McSaint RayBlair

9pts ManWithNoName YellowArmy AllyBon

8pts Broon Dode R_Mac Chavo5880 SaintintheCity MacMan1410

7pts SoulfulSaint

6pts DanLovesSaints Kaylor88 SaintlyChild ScottMc SJFC1988

5pts LewGti Chips

4pts John1962 Saintj MadReferee Akuram Slowhand RyanGordon86 Kelvin Teamwork PH1LAD Mike_sjfc Phil

3pts SJFc_Chris_SJFC TheInspiration

2pts Perth_Saintee12 GlasgowCeltic1967 SlickDT NUSaintee sjfc.spl.09-10

1pts FrankGallacher

As I'm away this weekend, I will update round 9 on monday.

make sure you get your predictions in nice and early though - dont miss out on vital points!!!

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Table after Round 9 - Dundee Utd

Sadly saints were unable to build on the brilliant midweek win at Easter Road, slipping to a 3-2 defeat at home. amazingly Rebelsaint and saintdougie got the scoreline spot on and get 5pts.

calloway radford and coltrane also excelled byu getting the correct result.

Danny Cadamarteri got the opener which DuncM andy herdo mike and letham correctly predicted.

Lots of attendance points (clearly making it too easy for you). 123whoarewe wellsy saintinexile R_mac ghost aitchy herdo macman jimbo rebelsaint saintdougie and perthpower all get a point

mapleleaf singaporesaint tarvie coastalsaint chips longneck chansey sjm89 noose stamfordsaint stevemcqueen pezza ancientsaint peterheedsaint saontbear tarzan saintdon invernesssaint scobby and gaz all get 2pts

saintinthecity duncM calloway only1sammiller and coltrane all get 3pts for getting within 50 of 7225.

week points

6pts Rebelsaint SaintDougie

5pts coltrane duncM

4pts calloway

3pts herdo Only1SamMiller

2pts andy coastalsaint ancientsaint radford chansey stevemcqueen herdo noose singaporesaint longneck tarvie Invernessaint gaz pezza stamfordsaint mike180279 ghostofjimmorton tarzan peterheedsaint lethamsaint saintbear scobby saintDon

1pts wellsy 123whoarewe aitchy jimbo saintinexile R_Mac

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Table after Round 9 - Dundee Utd

36pts Calloway

30pts Radford72 Chansey Jimbo

29pts RebelSaint

28pts Coltrane

27pts Muzz SaintBear

26pts sjfcSean DuncM Pezza Scobby_SJFC

25pts Wellsy SteveMcQueen


23pts Scoogz BurghSaint Mike180279 Andy Noose

22pts SaintDougie

21pts GeoffWasRight Southpaw WeeLee#1 Tarzan 123WhoAreWe InvernesSaint

20pts DavieD Gaz PeterheadSaint SingaporeSaint

19pts BigYin Only1SamMiller

18pts AncientSaint Aitchy Herdo

17pts GhostofJimMorton Saint_Don CoastalSaint Tarvie Mapleleaf

16pts SuperDave99 LethamSaint sjm89

15pts SainteesRule Longneck

14pts Marc05-sjfc StamfordSaintee PerthPower SaintinExile

13pts Thomas-SJFC Dylan-Saints


11pts StanleySaint LarkSaint Nuggets SaintintheCity

10pts Calinho McSaint RayBlair

9pts ManWithNoName YellowArmy AllyBon R_Mac MacMan1410

8pts Broon Dode Chavo5880

7pts SoulfulSaint Chips

6pts DanLovesSaints Kaylor88 SaintlyChild ScottMc SJFC1988

5pts LewGti

4pts John1962 Saintj MadReferee Akuram Slowhand RyanGordon86 Kelvin Teamwork PH1LAD Mike_sjfc Phil

3pts SJFc_Chris_SJFC TheInspiration

2pts Perth_Saintee12 GlasgowCeltic1967 SlickDT NUSaintee sjfc.spl.09-10

1pts FrankGallacher

thanks for your patience while I was away last weekend, hopefully it should all be back to normal now.

Edited by Jimbo
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Table after Round 9 - Dundee Utd

mapleleaf singaporesaint tarvie coastalsaint chips longneck chansey sjm89 noose stamfordsaint stevemcqueen pezza ancientsaint peterheedsaint saontbear tarzan saintdon invernesssaint scobby and gaz all get 2pts

week points

2pts andy coastalsaint ancientsaint radford chansey stevemcqueen herdo noose singaporesaint longneck tarvie Invernessaint gaz pezza stamfordsaint mike180279 ghostofjimmorton tarzan peterheedsaint lethamsaint saintbear scobby saintDon



Did I get my two points added?


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Table after Round 10 - Hamilton

A win for the saints this week, 2-0 away at Hamilton. Good news for many of you....

Coastal saint allybon andy chips stamfordsaint peterheedsaint thomas saintinexile saintbear geofwasright gaz and dylan all get 5pts for their correct scoreline prediction.

another 31 of you got the correct outcome but were not quite right with the scoreline.

No one got the scorer as anderson.

the crowd was a little low for a big game - only 2199 turned up for it. mapleleaf herdo southpaw thomas lethamsaint and muzz all get a point while radford and burghsaint were the only ones to get within 250 and thereby collected 2pts.

week points

6pts thomas

5pts andy coastalsaint gaz dylan saintinexile geoffwasright stamfordsaint peterheedsaint saintbear allybon chips

4pts radford burghsaint

3pts mapleleaf herdo lethamsaint southpaw

2pts wellsy ghostofjimmorton larksaint davieD sjm89 superdave duncM pezza singaporesaint longneck rebelsaint invernessaint stevemcqueen aitchy ancientsaint calloway 123whoarewe weelee saintdougie scobby bigyin saintdon nuggets perthpower macman

1pts muzz

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Table after Round 10 - Hamilton

38pts Calloway




34pts Radford72


32pts SaintBear

31pts RebelSaint

30pts Chansey Jimbo


28pts Coltrane DuncM Muzz Pezza Scobby_SJFC Andy

27pts BurghSaint Wellsy SteveMcQueen

26pts sjfcSean GeoffWasRight

25pts Gaz PeterheadSaint

24pts SaintDougie Southpaw

23pts Scoogz Mike180279 Noose WeeLee#1 123WhoAreWe InvernesSaint

22pts CoastalSaint DavieD SingaporeSaint

21pts Tarzan BigYin Herdo

20pts Mapleleaf AncientSaint Aitchy

19pts Only1SamMiller StamfordSaintee GhostofJimMorton LethamSaint Saint_Don Thomas-SJFC SaintinExile

18pts SuperDave99 Dylan-Saints sjm89

17pts Tarvie Longneck

16pts PerthPower

15pts SainteesRule

14pts Marc05-sjfc AllyBon

13pts LarkSaint Nuggets

12pts Chips

11pts StanleySaint SaintintheCity MacMan1410

10pts Calinho McSaint RayBlair

9pts ManWithNoName YellowArmy R_Mac

8pts Broon Dode Chavo5880

7pts SoulfulSaint

6pts DanLovesSaints Kaylor88 SaintlyChild ScottMc SJFC1988

5pts LewGti

4pts John1962 Saintj MadReferee Akuram Slowhand RyanGordon86 Kelvin Teamwork PH1LAD Mike_sjfc Phil

3pts SJFc_Chris_SJFC TheInspiration

2pts Perth_Saintee12 GlasgowCeltic1967 SlickDT NUSaintee sjfc.spl.09-10

1pts FrankGallacher

Once again my apologies for the delay,

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  • 2 weeks later...

Table after Round 11 - Rangers

another defeat as many probably expected against Rangers, saints did however take the lead and it was only a late goal that won it for the away side.

24 people went for the rangers win, and of those 24, just 5 got the 2-1 scoreline. Welldone to singaporesaint noose saintinexile muzz saintDon.

Samuel got the opener for saint, good news for dode coltrane 123whoarewe singaporesaint stevemcqueen weelee perthpower and larksaint.

The crowd was 7807 this week, with sainteesrule longneck coltrane southpaw superdave mapleleaf r_mac thomas scobby chips ghostofJimMorton saintinexile marc05 and rebel getting within 500.

Aithcy radford dode calloway andy chansey chavo sjm89 sjfc.spl.09-10 saintdougie and mike180279 getting 2pts, Just wellsy got within 50 and claimed 3pts!

Week points

7pts singaporesaint

6pts saintinexile dode

5pts noose muzz Saint_Don

4pts andy calloway mike180279 radford 123whoarewe chansey aitchy

3pts scobby sainteesrule wellsy coltranerebelsaint superdave

2pts stevemcqueen jimbo sjm89 larksaint tarzan geoffwasright gaz pezza weelee saintdougie bigyin nuggets chavo Perthpower sjfc.spl.09-10

1pts mapleleaf southpaw marc05 R_Mac thomas longneck ghostofJimmorton chips

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Table after Round 11 - Rangers

42pts Calloway




38pts Radford72

34pts Chansey RebelSaint

33pts Muzz

32pts SaintBear Andy Jimbo

31pts Coltrane Scobby_SJFC

30pts Wellsy Pezza

29pts SteveMcQueen SingaporeSaint

28pts DuncM Noose GeoffWasRight

27pts BurghSaint 123WhoAreWe Gaz Mike180279 PeterheadSaint

26pts sjfcSean SaintDougie

25pts SaintinExile WeeLee#1 Southpaw

24pts Aitchy Saint_Don

23pts Scoogz InvernesSaint Tarzan BigYin

22pts CoastalSaint DavieD

21pts Herdo Mapleleaf SuperDave99

20pts AncientSaint Thomas-SJFC sjm89 GhostofJimMorton

19pts Only1SamMiller StamfordSaintee LethamSaint

18pts Dylan-Saints SainteesRule Longneck PerthPower

17pts Tarvie


15pts Marc05-sjfc LarkSaint Nuggets

14pts AllyBon Dode

13pts Chips


11pts StanleySaint SaintintheCity MacMan1410

10pts Calinho McSaint RayBlair Chavo5880 R_Mac

9pts ManWithNoName YellowArmy

8pts Broon

7pts SoulfulSaint

6pts DanLovesSaints Kaylor88 SaintlyChild ScottMc SJFC1988

5pts LewGti

4pts John1962 Saintj MadReferee Akuram Slowhand RyanGordon86 Kelvin Teamwork PH1LAD Mike_sjfc Phil sjfc.spl.09-10

3pts SJFc_Chris_SJFC TheInspiration

2pts Perth_Saintee12 GlasgowCeltic1967 SlickDT NUSaintee

1pts FrankGallacher

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Table after Round 12 - Killie

Alas another defeat on a wet and windy afternoon, 2-1 the score with saints goal coming at the end for an og.

5people went for the Killie win and were rewarded with some prediction league points. sainteesrule, chansey and mike all got the scoreline spot on.

Kevin Kyle got both the home team goals - sainteesrule duncM coltrane calloway jimbo saintdougie mike bigyin gaz saintdon and muzz all got that.

the crowd was 4643, giving a point to 123whoarewe sainteesrule duncM sjm89 only1sammiller stevemcqueen macman and tarzan.

2pts for a whole list of people including the top 4 - chansey rebelasaint radford and calloway.

but closest of all was longneck - the only person to get within 50 and therefore get 3pts.

week points

9pts Mike180279

8pts sainteesrule

7pts chansey

6pts coltrane


4pts calloway jimbo muzz

3pts longneck duncM

2pts radford rebelsaint gaz thomas saintinexile herdo noose singaporesaint davieD invernessaint dylan-saint ghostofJM peterheedsaint weelee saintdougie southpaw bigyin allybon R_mac saintdon duncan08 saintinthecity

1pts only1sammiller 123whoarewe stevemcqueen macman sjm89 tarzan

well done to Mike for 9pts this week - a high scoring week but not too many people get 9pts. sainteesrule chansey and coltrane also having a good week!

Edited by Jimbo
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Table after Round 12 - Kilmarnock

46pts Calloway





41pts Chansey

40pts Radford72



37pts Coltrane Muzz

36pts Jimbo RebelSaint Mike180279




32pts SaintBear Andy

31pts Scobby_SJFC SingaporeSaint DuncM

30pts Wellsy Pezza SteveMcQueen Noose

29pts Gaz PeterheadSaint

28pts GeoffWasRight 123WhoAreWe SaintDougie

27pts BurghSaint SaintinExile WeeLee#1 Southpaw

26pts sjfcSean SainteesRule Saint_Don

25pts InvernesSaint BigYin

24pts Aitchy DavieD Tarzan

23pts Scoogz Herdo

22pts CoastalSaint GhostofJimMorton Thomas-SJFC

21pts Mapleleaf SuperDave99 sjm89 Longneck

20pts AncientSaint Dylan-Saints Only1SamMiller

19pts StamfordSaintee LethamSaint

18pts PerthPower

17pts Tarvie

16pts AllyBon

15pts Marc05-sjfc LarkSaint Nuggets

14pts Dode

13pts Chips SaintintheCity

12pts R_Mac MacMan1410

11pts StanleySaint

10pts Calinho McSaint RayBlair Chavo5880

9pts ManWithNoName YellowArmy

8pts Broon

7pts SoulfulSaint

6pts DanLovesSaints Kaylor88 SaintlyChild ScottMc SJFC1988

5pts LewGti

4pts John1962 Saintj MadReferee Akuram Slowhand RyanGordon86 Kelvin Teamwork PH1LAD Mike_sjfc Phil sjfc.spl.09-10

3pts SJFc_Chris_SJFC TheInspiration

2pts Perth_Saintee12 GlasgowCeltic1967 SlickDT NUSaintee duncan08

1pts FrankGallacher

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