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AthensSaint last won the day on May 23 2017

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About AthensSaint

  • Birthday 06/01/1964

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    Athens Riviera
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    ex salty seaman

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  1. 10 bonus points for exact score. Its sore it should be recognised.
  2. Glad to see the majority begging us Exiles to stay. This is more heartening news than being told we shouldn't post us we are unworthy and have no right. Okay I will say no more on the matter.
  3. The other WAP supporters forums are pretty much dead and inactive. We are very active on the forum and would like to go on to our own forum for discussions. This is even more important before another European campaign and start to a season. POTY is another area we could stop BORING you with. We get told over and over again that we don't represent St Johnstone FC and other main stream posters accuse us of knowing nothing ????? So why not give us our request ?????
  4. WAP Exiles show the way again. It is so unfair we are not allowed our own WAP forum. We have been asking for three seasons now. Out of the eleven supporters forums only six have used their forums this year. With Scone only inputting due to Sixties appearance to represent the Exiles. Ormonds Saints last posted when the Berlin Wall came down.
  5. Came across as great guy.
  6. A huge thanks to Steve McQueen for adding once again so much fun to the forum over the season. In addition, every season he is always there or thereabouts. Also pleased for my old mucker slf for finishing off in a high position. I have known him for nearly forty years and he tends to always finish bottom of the class. Though I only finished fourth, I am pleased being an Exile who obviously knows fleck all about saints that I achieved this. Lastly a request to the likes of Edstar, Rickardo, BabyChunder, Ghostie and KinoullKicker.....any chance you can try harder next season to make it more exciting at the top ????
  7. Joe The Throw asked SixtiesSaintee, BabyChunder and self to thank all the Exiles for taking time to vote for him and his fellow team mates. Not only did he answer the numerous questions thrown at him at our table but bought us a couple of rounds of drinks in to the bargain. He hardly had a minute all through the dinner to eat due to people asking for autographs and pictures. Every request by the kids was accepted with a big Irish smile. He is a credit to the club and I am personally extremely pleased he was awarded the Exiles trophy. Danny Swanson scooped up the majority of the awards on the evening but on behalf of the Exiles we had the opportunity to extend our thanks for his professionalism. A huge mention needs to be made for Paul Paton. Paul won an award and in his very honest acceptance speech he stated that due to past history that he recognized he was not a very popular signing with the saints fans. He was inundated with fans during the evening telling him we were wrong. We have one very happy new saintee in our squad. Thanks Paul.
  8. ? Show you what. Sorry dude, not understanding ?
  9. Ghostie, I managed to get a wee dig when he was on stage in front of everyone. The new trophy was pristine ; )
  10. He told us he is loving his time at the club. The young boy is top notch. I have now learned to pronounce his surname properly and with a Galway accent.
  11. What a lovely guy Joe is. Not making any comments on his defensive qualities but he could do with bringing a bit more quality in to his award winning speeches. We managed to get a few golden nuggets of dressing room information out of him though ; )
  12. So the glass is half empty or are you still nursing that hangover ?
  13. I did ask Joe the Throw about this and he seemed genuine when he said he knew only as much as the rest of us had readin the media.
  14. Young Brown did make me laugh on Sunday night when he said that he was hoping we could draw a European destination where he only had to charter a double decker bus for the trip.