Stewards And Police Today


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But you said i took part did you not , in 1926 ?

My point is not irrelevant , i said it is a cycle which happens and will keep happening and it doesn't matter what anyone thinks. These young lads call themselves the Perth Pack , where does the name come from ? Add in the FCF then MBS then whatever Dr Jones' mob was called . They all followed Saints and many still do , facts tell us right through history there has always been young lads up to mischief at football and what a few folk on here say won't stop that .

I was being tongue-in-cheek. Whether or not you were involved doesn't matter. It was unacceptable then and it is unacceptable now. There's far more chance of it being stopped because of people talking about it than there is if they remained silent. End of matter. I'm not discussing it with you anymore. Edited by The Real Saints
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Fans in the Plough Inn were a joke aswell as soon as people start having a good time yous have to start trouble


Well Right in front of me two young lads started tried to fight. About five us got about flattened.


They were pulled apart.


One of the guys wouldn't leave when told multiple times by the girl who worked there. He then ended up in a fight with an older guy for some reason.


Then one of the young lads started talking mince about him being in the green brigade and he was hear to "show you how to do it" - He was a moron though.


So don't havour utter turd and blame anyone else. Although you weren't involved so you don't really have much to worry about.

Edited by PerthSeany
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Nobody hates you Dylan!! They feel sorry for you and our wee chums.


You and your pals are like the village idiots who seem to constantly ignore advice and warnings.


Sadly it looks like the only way it will dawn on you is if you actually have some of your pals locked up for a few months,

It will do us all a favour if they actually lock the whole lot of them up and throw the keys away

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so what actually happened inside Station Park:


1. a smoke bomb was let off before KO and the boy was immediately arrested.

2. a banger was let off and the boy was immediately arrested.

3. a man was arrested for being drunk. Possibly the most harmless man in the ground.



Daft wee boys who may or may not get a banning order, but on the grand scheme of things, relatively minor offences.


Drop the pyro and they can do what they like.


People on here like to talk about SFA fines and other sanctions, but in all our years, have we ever been fined or suffered from any sanctions for fan behaviour?

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Still up? Mind, you've got school tomorrow.  


Hopefully he goes to English and learns that the plural to you is you.


All clubs have these idiots, this particular group seem to be more prevalent than most this season. I suggested earlier in the season that the behaviour from this mob would lead to Saints fans getting a poorer reputation and to stewards and police treating decent fans poorly. It was always going to be the way. 

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If all this group actually did was bring a drum along to the games and have a wee sing and dance to themselves, nobody would think that was a bad thing. However, that is not all that they do...

- Starting fights with their own fans

- Some of them are so wasted by the time they get to games they can hardly stand (there is one I don't think I've ever seen sober)

- Damge property at other grounds

- Throw said damaged property in the direction of their own goalkeeper

- Continue to bring pyrotechnics to games despite pleas from the club for them not to

- Upgrading to fireworks???

I like the atmosphere they create but the rest of that stuff is absolute nonsense and nobody can defend that behaviour. Ordinary people going to the game to enjoy the football and create a good atmosphere do not attract the attention of the police during matches and certainly not after the game is long finished (ie a knock on the door at home). It's crazy, stupid, mindless stuff. I am not overly familiar with your posts, Dylan but you do not want to create an us vs them attitude with your friends against the rest of the support. We are all in this together.

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so what actually happened inside Station Park:


1. a smoke bomb was let off before KO and the boy was immediately arrested.

2. a banger was let off and the boy was immediately arrested.

3. a man was arrested for being drunk. Possibly the most harmless man in the ground.



Daft wee boys who may or may not get a banning order, but on the grand scheme of things, relatively minor offences.


Drop the pyro and they can do what they like.


People on here like to talk about SFA fines and other sanctions, but in all our years, have we ever been fined or suffered from any sanctions for fan behaviour?

Have our fans ever taken fireworks to games? Or broken seats and chucked them on to the pitch? Drop the pyro and this aggressiveness towards the rest of the support because they can't handle their drink and there would be nothing to talk about. Just a bunch of young lads having a good time at the football. That's the way it needs to be.

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