We Are All Andy5565!



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Banning Andy is ridiculous, and in a way inadvertant bullying.


The moderators should feel shame for their lack of sense of empathy in this matter.


We (this forum/Saints fan/Perth dispora) have some kindred responsibility for folk like Andy (12000+ posts an all)...... Moderators have some legal obligations...were the threats REALLY serious, to be taken seriously........can i nominate some folk  whose posts i find offensive? 

  • Well said Athens - great peace x
  • Well said Kojak - superb magnanimity
  • Well said Chips  -  given direct experience of working with vulnerable folk.

I honestly never saw issue with Andy. Even with Some out there posts they were still kinda cool.

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This clearly comes down to two distinct issues. The fact Andy has an unusual and at times baffling point of view and also his repeated disdain and at times violent intentions against some on the forum. Personally I can't be bothered with reading a lot of what he says but that also goes for what a lot of what certain other posters say. I therefore choose to not take a blind bit of interest in their views on 'Dr Goaless' or repeated mentions of whether Novikovas is cup tied. That does not make any of their tedious points, or Andy's any less valid. As for the violent intentions, they can not and should not be condoned however we have all had bad days and said things we did not mean. The fact the guy has made thousands of posts must show this forum means a fair bit to him. Could this not all be resolved with an apology and we can move on to discussing better things?

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Do recall that he went off the radar for a while and this was because the French authorities / ISP providers had taken him off?


I found some posts funny, but it's not right to PM people with violence, even if they were a bit of a nonsense and perhaps borne of personal issues.


As Nold has pointed out, the forum means a lot to him, could he been given a suspension of say three months and then warned on future conduct?

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The threats were/are unnacceptable. I very much have a gut instinct though, that if Andy5565 had ended up in Perth, there is more likeliness he would have bought Kojak a pint rather than slapping his baldy heid :wink:


As previous, there is no real crticism to the mods (especially Jamie) who have a tough job of protecting the majority and definately were put in a position to make a tough decision.


The mod "Kyle" who said he banned Andy "because he can do what he wants to" - well what a man you are. Bravo !  


An apology by Andy5565 and a promise of continuous good behaviour might be considered if people actually believe this site is more than a "football forum" and has a soul. Empathy is a good quality in people and a quality that the vast majority of posters that are on WAP have I'm sure. 


Please consider this.  

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Always remember the artist formerly known as Singaporesaint commenting on a song being played at McDiarmid for Andy after I asked Kevin to play "Ca Plane Pour Moi" for him. A guy in Singapore commenting live on a song being played in Perth for a guy in France, happy days!


Andy has had a pretty torrid time in his personal life recently and, whilst we cant condone threats, let's hope he's not lost to us on here. 


After all, we are Perth.

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Always remember the artist formerly known as Singaporesaint commenting on a song being played at McDiarmid for Andy after I asked Kevin to play "Ca Plane Pour Moi" for him. A guy in Singapore commenting live on a song being played in Perth for a guy in France, happy days!


Andy has had a pretty torrid time in his personal life recently and, whilst we cant condone threats, let's hope he's not lost to us on here. 


After all, we are Perth.



Well said sir

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I know Andy although I haven't actually seen him since about 1984(?) as he went off to join the foreign legion. I know the Little family as they stayed near us in Hunters I think (I was too young then to remember) and then lived a couple of streets away when both our families moved to North Muirton.

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I've just noticed the spate of replies on this thread - apologies for not responding sooner. He was banned for a series personal abuse and threats on the forum. It might have been taken with a pinch of salt, but he had, on several ocassions, said that he was being serious. We can't take threats like that lightly and it wasn't exactly an isolated incident - I spotted this on quite a few ocassions and have seen others say he's sent PMs with similar too (which obviously the mods aren't aware of). He's also Pm'd me (and possibly other mods ) in the past asking to be banned. His request to be banned was never part of the decision - just the former. 


To be fair to myself (and the other mods) we didn't know he had personal issues. Some have obviously been made aware of this over private message and I am genuinely sorry to hear that.  

With regards to my 'do what I want' post - that was clearly a joke. Andy is the first person I've ever banned on this site and prior to that I don't think I'd as much as issued a warning. It's very rare that bans even take place, even taking into account spammers that sometimes appear with their Russian gobbledy gook.


With regards to overturning the ban - I can't do so. Not because I don't want to or because 'I do what I want' but because I don't think I have the means of doing so on the moderator control panel.  I'm not sure if Jamie has been following this topic or not, but I suggest that you PM him if you want to take this further.

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I've just noticed the spate of replies on this thread - apologies for not responding sooner. He was banned for a series personal abuse and threats on the forum. It might have been taken with a pinch of salt, but he had, on several ocassions, said that he was being serious. We can't take threats like that lightly and it wasn't exactly an isolated incident - I spotted this on quite a few ocassions and have seen others say he's sent PMs with similar too (which obviously the mods aren't aware of). He's also Pm'd me (and possibly other mods ) in the past asking to be banned. His request to be banned was never part of the decision - just the former. 


To be fair to myself (and the other mods) we didn't know he had personal issues. Some have obviously been made aware of this over private message and I am genuinely sorry to hear that.  

With regards to my 'do what I want' post - that was clearly a joke. Andy is the first person I've ever banned on this site and prior to that I don't think I'd as much as issued a warning. It's very rare that bans even take place, even taking into account spammers that sometimes appear with their Russian gobbledy gook.


With regards to overturning the ban - I can't do so. Not because I don't want to or because 'I do what I want' but because I don't think I have the means of doing so on the moderator control panel.  I'm not sure if Jamie has been following this topic or not, but I suggest that you PM him if you want to take this further.

Though your comments are completely lame, at least you responded. And a bit of advice, leave Bruce Fummey to do the jokes in the future.    

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Though your comments are completely lame, at least you responded. And a bit of advice, leave Bruce Fummey to do the jokes in the future.    


Is that not a bit unfair Athens, I thought Kyle laid out his reasoning fairly well and apologised for his "joke"....I'm sure he's not the first poster to try a bit of humour and have it backfire. :wink:

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Is that not a bit unfair Athens, I thought Kyle laid out his reasoning fairly well and apologised for his "joke"....I'm sure he's not the first poster to try a bit of humour and have it backfire. :wink:

Appreciate the support, but the response received wasn't entirely unexpected.


I've explained my reasoning behind Andy being banned, which I feel is perfectly legitimate. If you want to appeal it, contact Jamie. He may consider your argument/be willing (and indeed able) to overturn it.  I'll say no more on this thread.

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I absolutely stand behind the ban given to said user. There had been complaints in the past (infrequently) - but those became more and more regular recently and given the nature of the threats made both on the forum and by PM to more than one user we really had no option.


No-one on here will have seen the extent of the posts and PM's - by their very nature many were private, and some of the posts were very quickly deleted.


We won't tolerate any form of bullying or serious abuse and when complaints are made - backed up by evidence - we have to take the appropriate action.


Andy may well have significant issues in his private life - so do many of us - but there's no excuse for coming on here and abusing and threatening people with violence, however empty the threats may have been.

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Kyle, I will stop my rant and I appreciate you taking time to explain. Your comment was what I was looking for to vent my frustration and sadness on what had happened. I dont blame you for banning Andy,  just worry about a big, bloody idiot who posted on here for years but I knew was harmless. Also I feel bad for Kojak who got the most recent brunt of it. You guys have a tough job and are more patient than I would ever have been. Once again, thanks for taking time out to explain.    

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