Positive Perth


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Thought it'd be nice to have a thread about the things Perth seems to be doing right/have going for it instead of just the 'Another Shop Bites the Dust' thread.


Made it to the new Harry's place the other night. What a fantastic addition to Perth! Easily one of the best stocked bars in town with about 8/9 beer taps, including the brilliant William's Brothers Joker IPA, fantastic range of spirits and wines and a decent range of craft beers from around the world(mostly Scotland and N.America tbh but still).


The food was pretty good and it seemed to have the right mix of family friendly and quality to make it a good night out for most people. It'll be interesting to see if they'll be opening up the Den as a bar in it's own right without food later in the evening(this may already be the case but I was there around seven and don't live in Perth town so haven't seen it later at night).


There were a few tiny issues with staffing and their stocks but sure those are just teething problems that will be very quickly ironed out and was over all a great experience.


Same night we went to the new City Cafe (and IMAX screen) at the Playhouse for the first time. It's been done up in an American style diner decor and has old film posters on the walls. Another really good addition to the town centre and seemed that people were using the cafe for just hanging out as well as pre-film get together.


Has a decent small range of drinks and snacks, including alcoholic milk shakes and ice cream floats. Really good to see they haven't just got the standard Coca-Cola and dull popcorn. Supposedly is all part of a rolling renovation for the whole foyer and non screen spaces.


The IMAX itself seemed pretty cool as I'd only ever been to the one in Bradford to see a demonstration show about 15 years ago it was a pretty incredible leap in tech. Not sure the film was improved by it any but the whole experience was good.



Is there any other things that people enjoy about Perth, it doesn't even have to be a new thing, it's just could be nice to share positive experiences that some may have missed out on or similar.




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Used to be called Sportsters, on Mill Street across the road from the Cinema


Before that it was the old Perth & Kinross Council - Education Services Building and before that I think it was also a bank, could be wrong on that though.

Sportster's was in Methven St and that used to be the tax office at one time and probably other uses at one time or another.

The Shands school was what the Southern District used to be called it wis on Nelson St and South William St but I feel a google coming on

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a) Sportsters / Harry's etc.  was Sharp's School.


B) The view from Perth Bridge is, indeed, awesome.  But don't call it Smeaton's Bridge, it's Perth Bridge. Perth Bridge, d'you hear?


c) Never been to Marinis, but sounds like it's worth a try.  Nothing will ever beat the old Shanghai in Leonard St.

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