Next Meeting of SSSC

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OK - Now that the first "event" has been identified - I am looking for the names of those who agreed to take a Race Sheet with a view to obtaining Sponsors for each race -8 in all -

Each person would be tasked to -

a) Find a Sponsor for said Race -Think it was agreed at £30.

b.) Source 8 people willing to buy a Horse at £5 per horse 

c) Source 8 people willing to purchase a Jockey at £5 per jockey.


Sponsor will have name in Programme as well as having their name/firm printed in the local newspaper as a thank you from the Chair and Committee.

Winning Horse owner will receive a bottle of Spirit.

Winning Jockey will receive a bottle of wine..


The 9th race on the evening will be an "auction" of the 8 horses in the 9th race -the winner will receive a prize on the night.


Also looking to source a projector and screen that we can use for the evening.

Have the Race dvd sorted and will print off what is required for the evening -Betting tickets and programmes etc.


IF anyone can assist on the night - Wives etc - Please contact a committee member.


Anyone on WAP willing to sponsor a race---buy a Jockey/ Horse - let us know asap.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Following have now been identified as Sponsors for each Race - The 9th Race on the night will be an auction.

Tower Ridge (Ricky Marshall)

Steven McPhillips

Jimmy Rattray

Wheel Inn (2)

Stuart Myles

Craig Daly

Martin Pankhurst 


Bob( Chair) has or had the Posters and Sponsor sheets - which we need to complete before the 3rd November so we can arrange the Programmes for the evening -These obviously include the names of Horses purchased and by whom along with the names of the jockey also purchased at the time.

Venue has been confirmed as being the Wheel Inn on Friday 13th November 2015 - So if anyone wants to come along on the night OR purchase a Horse or Jockey then please leave your details on here and Bob will get back to you.

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