Predictions League Latest 24/25

Steve McQueen

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Round 1 - Brechin (A)


A new era begins! 2-1 was predicted by Saintdunc & slf, 12 others forecast a win.


Carey scored 1st & was predicted by Coltrane, Indicator, PSJ.84 & Steve McQueen, noone predicted Cameron or Moreland to score.



No red card

1 people get a point for a yellow is you forecast Patrick or Essel.


This Round & Latest Standings

6          PSJ.84

5          Coltrane, Saintdunc, slf, Steve McQueen

3          Indicator

2          blueheaven, Cagerf, chips, Cristo, Gekko, Kinnoull Kicker, NateSJFC, pezza70, Saturn

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Round 2 - Morton (H)


2 wins out of 2. 2-0 was predicted by blueheaven, Cagerf, Hoodlum65, Saturn & Steve McQueen, 9 others forecast a win.


Kimpioka scored 1st (and 2nd) & was predicted by Gekko.



No red card

No-one forecast MacPherson, C. Smith, Wright, Lyall, King or Garrity to get a card.


This Round

5          blueheaven, Cagerf, Gekko, Hoodlum65, Saturn, Steve McQueen

2          Coltrane, Cristo, dunblanemike, ejksjfc, Kinnoull Kicker, PSJ.84, slf, Two Cups 2021


Latest Standings

10        Steve McQueen

8          PSJ.84

7          blueheaven, Cagerf, Coltrane, Gekko, Saturn, slf

5          Hoodlum65, Saintdunc

4          Cristo, Kinnoull Kicker

3          Indicator

2          chips, dunblanemike, ejksjfc, NateSJFC, pezza70, Two Cups 2021

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Round 3 - Alloa (A)


We’ll that was dreadful! 2-3 was predicted by no one, in fact nobody forecast a loss.


Neill scored 1st & wasn’t predicted by anyone. 8 people predicted Kimpioka, Rankin or Sanders to score.



5 people get 2 points if you predicted, Essel to be carded.

1 person gets a point for a yellow is you forecast Scougall.


This Round

3          Saintdunc, Steve McQueen

2          chips, pezza70, PSJ.84

1          Coltrane, dunblanemike, ejksjfc, Gekko, glenrothes saintee, Kinnoull Kicker, Two Cups 2021


Latest Standings

13        Steve McQueen

10        PSJ.84

8          Coltrane, Gekko, Saintdunc

7          blueheaven, Cagerf, Saturn, slf

5          Hoodlum65, Kinnoull Kicker

4          chips, Cristo, pezza70

3          dunblanemike, ejksjfc, Indicator, Two Cups 2021

2          NateSJFC

1          glenrothes saintee


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Round 4 - East Fife (H)


Never in doubt! 5-1 was predicted by Indicator, 13 others forecast a win.


Sidibeh scored 1st & was predicted by Cagerf, Cristo, Gekko & Saturn, 8 others predicted Kimpioka, Trouten or Kirk to score.



No red card, in fact no cards at all.


This Round

5          Cagerf, Cristo, Gekko, Indicator, Saturn

3          Coltrane, dunblanemike, Kinnoull Kicker, NateSJFC, pezza70, PSJ.84, Saintdunc, Steve McQueen

2          slf


Latest Standings

16        Steve McQueen

13        Gekko, PSJ.84

12        Cagerf, Saturn

11        Coltrane, Saintdunc

9          Cristo, slf

8          Indicator, Kinnoull Kicker

7          blueheaven, pezza70

6          dunblanemike

5          Hoodlum65, NateSJFC

4          chips

3          ejksjfc, Two Cups 2021

1          glenrothes saintee

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League Cup Group Predictions


It ends like this:-


Saints              9

Alloa               8

East Fife          7

Morton            6

Brechin           0         


This Round

9          Coltrane, Cristo, pezza70

7          ejksjfc, PSJ.84

6          chips, Saintdunc, St. Paddy, Steve McQueen

5          dunblanemike, NateSJFC, Saturn

4          Cagerf, Gekko, slf

3          Kinnoull Kicker


Latest Standings

22        Steve McQueen

20        Coltrane, PSJ.84

18        Cristo

17        Gekko, Saintdunc, Saturn

16        Cagerf, pezza70

13        slf

11        dunblanemike, Kinnoull Kicker

10        chips, ejksjfc, NateSJFC

8          Indicator

7          blueheaven

6          St. Paddy

5          Hoodlum65

3          Two Cups 2021

1          glenrothes saintee

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  • 2 weeks later...

Round 5 - Aberdeen (H)


League campaign starts with a defeat. 1-2 was predicted by blueheaven, PSJ.84 & Saintdunc, 7 others forecast a loss.


Devlin scored 1st but wasn’t predicted by anyone. No others predicted McGrath to score. Own goals don’t count of course.



No Red Card

6 people get a point for a yellow is you forecast Raymond, Essel or Ambrose.


This Round

6          PSJ.84, Saintdunc

5          blueheaven

3          dunblanemike, Indicator, Steve McQueen

2          Coltrane, Hoodlum65, pezza70, Two Cups 2021

1          Cagerf


Latest Standings

26        PSJ.84

25        Steve McQueen

23        Saintdunc

22        Coltrane

18        Cristo, pezza70

17        Cagerf, Gekko, Saturn

14        dunblanemike

13        slf

12        blueheaven

11        Indicator, Kinnoull Kicker

10        chips, ejksjfc, NateSJFC

7          Hoodlum65

6          St. Paddy

5          Two Cups 2021

1          glenrothes saintee

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Round 6 - Kilmarnock (A)


Easy, easy, easy! 3-0 wasn’t predicted by anyone but 6 others did forecast a win.


Sidibeh scored 1st & was predicted by blueheaven, Cagerf, pezza70, Saturn, 3 people predicted Kimpioka to score.


No-one predicted as red card for Joe Wright, however 2 people get a point if you predicted Deas, Armstrong, Kennedy, M. Smith, MacPherson, Neilson or Kimpioka to be carded.


This Round

5          Cagerf, Saturn

3          blueheaven, Cristo, Gekko, pezza70

2          ejksjfc, slf

1          Indicator, Saintdunc, Two Cups 2021


Latest Standings

26        PSJ.84

25        Steve McQueen

24        Saintdunc

22        Cagerf, Coltrane, Saturn

21        Cristo, pezza70

20        Gekko

15        blueheaven, slf

14        dunblanemike

12        ejksjfc, Indicator

11        Kinnoull Kicker

10        chips, NateSJFC

7          Hoodlum65

6          St. Paddy, Two Cups 2021

1          glenrothes saintee

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Round 7 - Rangers (A)


Our cup run ends here. 0-2 was predicted by Steve McQueen and 12 others forecast a loss.


Dessers scored 1st & was predicted by blueheaven, Coltrane, dunblanemike, Hoodlum65, NateSJFC, pezza70 & Steve McQueen, 0 people predicted McCausland to score.


No red card, however 7 get a point if you predicted Raymond or Sidibeh to be carded.


This Round

9          Steve McQueen

5          blueheaven, Coltrane, dunblanemike, Hoodlum65, NateSJFC, pezza70

3          Kinnoull Kicker, PSJ.84, Saintdunc, Saturn, slf, WLSaint712


Latest Standings

34        Steve McQueen

29        PSJ.84

27        Coltrane, Saintdunc

26        pezza70

25        Saturn

22        Cagerf

21        Cristo

20        blueheaven, Gekko

19        dunblanemike

18        slf

15        NateSJFC

14        Kinnoull Kicker

12        ejksjfc, Hoodlum65, Indicator

10        chips

6          St. Paddy, Two Cups 2021

3          WLSaint712

1          glenrothes saintee


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Round 8 - Dundee Utd (A)


Dissapointing result. 0-2 wasn’t predicted by anyone but 2 others did forecast a loss.


Stephenson scored 1st but wasnt predicted by anyone, own goals don’t count in this game.


Red card for Sidibeh but not predicted by anyone, however 1  other gets a point if you predicted Ferry, Stephenson or Sanders to be carded.


This Round

2          dunblanemike, Saintdunc

1          Cagerf


Latest Standings

34        Steve McQueen

29        PSJ.84, Saintdunc

27        Coltrane

26        pezza70

25        Saturn

23        Cagerf

21        Cristo, dunblanemike

20        blueheaven, Gekko

18        slf

15        NateSJFC

14        Kinnoull Kicker

12        ejksjfc, Hoodlum65,   Indicator

10        chips

6          St. Paddy, Two Cups 2021

3          WLSaint712

1          glenrothes saintee

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Round 9 - Motherwell (H)


Dissapointing stuff. 1-2 wasn’t predicted by anyone but 7 others did forecast a loss.


Casey scored 1st but wasnt predicted by anyone, 5 prople predicted Kimpioka, Moses, , , , , ,  to score.


Red card for Sanders, Yellow for MacPherson. Noone predicted either.


This Round

2          blueheaven, chips, dunblanemike, Indicator, pezza70, PSJ.84, Saintdunc

1          Kinnoull Kicker, NateSJFC, slf, Steve McQueen, Two Cups 2021


Latest Standings

35        Steve McQueen

31        PSJ.84, Saintdunc

28        pezza70

27        Coltrane

25        Saturn

23        Cagerf, dunblanemike

22        blueheaven

21        Cristo

20        Gekko

19        slf

16        NateSJFC

15        Kinnoull Kicker

14        Indicator

12        chips, ejksjfc, Hoodlum65

7          Two Cups 2021

6          St. Paddy

3          WLSaint712

1          glenrothes saintee

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  • 2 weeks later...

Round 10 - Hibernian (A)


Rubbish. 0-2, was predicted by ,Indicator, NateSJFC,  and 6 others forecast a loss.


Kuharevich scored 1st & was predicted by PSJ.84, 3 people predicted Boyle to score.


Red card for Kimpioka but wasn’t predicted by anyone however 10 others gets a point if you predicted Triantis, Holt, Sprangler, Raymond or Essel to be carded.


This Round

6          PSJ.84

5          Indicator, NateSJFC

4          blueheaven

3          Coltrane, Hoodlum65, Saintdunc

2          chips

1          Cagerf, dunblanemike, Kinnoull Kicker, pezza70, Saturn, slf, Steve McQueen


Latest Standings

37        PSJ.84

36        Steve McQueen

34        Saintdunc

30        Coltrane

29        pezza70

26        blueheaven, Saturn

24        Cagerf, dunblanemike

21        Cristo, NateSJFC

20        Gekko, slf

19        Indicator

16        Kinnoull Kicker

15        Hoodlum65

14        chips

12        ejksjfc

7          Two Cups 2021

6          St. Paddy

3          WLSaint712

1          glenrothes saintee


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Round 11 - Ross County (A)


Bottled it, 3-3 was predicted by no one but 3 people forecast a draw.


Hale scored 1st & was predicted by R.B.B:- Adz. 4 others predicted Wright, Clark, Samuel or Wright to score.



No Red Card

2 people get a point for a yellow is you forecast Lopata, Leak, Holt, Sprangler or Kirk.


This Round

3          R.B.B:- Adz

2          Cristo, Kinnoull Kicker, pezza70

1          Coltrane, Gekko, Hoodlum65, Indicator, slf, Steve McQueen


Latest Standings

37        PSJ.84, Steve McQueen

34        Saintdunc

31        Coltrane, pezza70

26        blueheaven, Saturn

24        Cagerf, dunblanemike

23        Cristo

21        Gekko, NateSJFC, slf

20        Indicator

18        Kinnoull Kicker

16        Hoodlum65

14        chips

12        ejksjfc

7          Two Cups 2021

6          St. Paddy

3          R.B.B:- Adz, WLSaint712

1          glenrothes saintee

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Round 12 - Celtic (H)


A night to forget. 0-6 was predicted by Saintdunc, 15 others forecast a loss.


Kyogo scored 1st & was predicted by Hoodlum65 & NateSJFC. 6 others predicted Bernardo, McGregor, Meada or Idah to score.



No red card

Noone forecast a yellow for Meada or Smith.


This Round

5          Hoodlum65, NateSJFC, Saintdunc

3          blueheaven, chips, Coltrane, Kinnoull Kicker, pezza70, Steve McQueen, Two Cups 2021

2         Cristo, dunblanemike, Indicator, PSJ.84, Saturn, slf


Latest Standings

40        Steve McQueen

39        PSJ.84, Saintdunc

34        Coltrane, pezza70

29        blueheaven

28        Saturn

26        dunblanemike, NateSJFC

25        Cristo

24        Cagerf

23        slf

22        Indicator

21        Gekko, Hoodlum65, Kinnoull Kicker

17        chips

12        ejksjfc

10        Two Cups 2021

6          St. Paddy

3          R.B.B:- Adz, WLSaint712

1          glenrothes saintee


Edited as Coltrane should have 3 points rather than 2. Spreadsheet didnt break, I just cant spell/type.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Round 13 - Rangers (A)


About what you'd expect. 0-2 was predicted by dunblanemike & Steve McQueen, 10 others forecast a loss.


Cerny scored the only goal but wasn’t predicted by anyone to score.



Red card for Hagi, predicted by no one.

5 people get a point for a yellow is you forecast Essel or Raskin.


This Round

5          dunblanemike, Steve McQueen

3          blueheaven, Kinnoull Kicker, Saintdunc, Two Cups 2021

2          chips, Coltrane, Hoodlum65, Indicator, pezza70, PSJ.84

1          Saturn


Latest Standings

45        Steve McQueen

42        Saintdunc

41        PSJ.84

36        Coltrane, pezza70

32        blueheaven

31        dunblanemike

29        Saturn

26        NateSJFC

25        Cristo

24        Cagerf, Indicator, Kinnoull Kicker

23        Hoodlum65, slf

21        Gekko

19        chips

13        Two Cups 2021

12        ejksjfc

6          St. Paddy

3          R.B.B:- Adz, WLSaint712

1          glenrothes saintee

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  • 2 weeks later...

Round 14 - Ross C (H)


Big W! 3-0 wasnt predicted by anyone but 13 others forecast a win.


Kimpioka scored 1st & was predicted by blueheaven, Indicator, Kinnoull Kicker, Steve McQueen & Two Cups 2021. Noone predicted Kirk to score.



Red cards for Campbell & Telfer, not predicted by anyone.

5 people get a point for a yellow is you forecast Essel.


This Round

6          blueheaven, Steve McQueen, Two Cups 2021

5          Indicator, Kinnoull Kicker

2          Cagerf, chips, Cristo, Gekko, pezza70, PSJ.84, Saturn, slf

1          dunblanemike, NateSJFC


Latest Standings

51        Steve McQueen

43        PSJ.84

42        Saintdunc

38        blueheaven, pezza70

36        Coltrane

32        dunblanemike

31        Saturn

29        Indicator, Kinnoull Kicker

27        Cristo, NateSJFC

26        Cagerf

25        slf

23        Gekko, Hoodlum65

21        chips

19        Two Cups 2021

12        ejksjfc

6          St. Paddy

3          R.B.B:- Adz, WLSaint712

1          glenrothes saintee


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Round 15 - Dundee (A)


Back to back wins! 2-1 was predicted by blueheaven, Cristo & NateSJFC, 6 others forecast a win.


Murray scored 1st & was predicted by chips, 3 people predicted Carey or Clark to score.



No red card, however 5 others gets a point if you predicted Ingram, Main, Cameron, Sprangler or Neilson to be carded.


This Round

6          blueheaven, Cristo

5          NateSJFC

3          Cagerf, chips, Hoodlum65

2          Coltrane, dunblanemike, Gekko, Kinnoull Kicker, Saturn, slf


Latest Standings

51        Steve McQueen

44        blueheaven

43        PSJ.84

42        Saintdunc

38        Coltrane, pezza70

34        dunblanemike

33        Cristo, Saturn

32        NateSJFC

31        Kinnoull Kicker

29        Cagerf, Indicator

27        slf

26        Hoodlum65

25        Gekko

24        chips

19        Two Cups 2021

12        ejksjfc

6          St. Paddy

3          R.B.B:- Adz, WLSaint712

1          glenrothes saintee


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Round 16 - St Mirren (A)


Dissapointing 2nd half but we go again. 1-3 wasnt predicted by anyone, 4 others forecast a loss.


Kimpioka scored 1st & was predicted by pezza70, Steve McQueen & Two Cups 2021, Noone predicted Tanser, O’Hara or Ayunga to score.



Yellow cards for Bwomono, Balcombe, Sidibeh, predicted by no one.


This Round

3          pezza70, Steve McQueen, Two Cups 2021

2          Coltrane, dunblanemike, PSJ.84, Saintdunc


Latest Standings

54        Steve McQueen

45        PSJ.84

44        blueheaven, Saintdunc

41        pezza70

40        Coltrane

36        dunblanemike

33        Cristo, Saturn

32        NateSJFC

31        Kinnoull Kicker

29        Cagerf, Indicator

27        slf

26        Hoodlum65

25        Gekko

24        chips

22        Two Cups 2021

12        ejksjfc

6          St. Paddy

3          R.B.B:- Adz, WLSaint712

1          glenrothes saintee

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Round 17 - Hearts (A)


Back to back defeats. 1-2 was predicted by Two Cups 2021, 3 others forecast a loss.


Clark scored 1st (own goals don’t count) but wasnt predicted by anyone. Noone predicted Vargas to score either.



No red card, however 6 people get a point if you predicted Sprangler, Holt, Oyegoke, Rowles, Shankland or Devlin to be carded.


This Round

5          Two Cups 2021

3          dunblanemike

2          chips, Saintdunc

1          Coltrane, Cristo, Kinnoull Kicker, PSJ.84, Steve McQueen


Latest Standings

55        Steve McQueen

46        PSJ.84, Saintdunc

44        blueheaven

41        Coltrane, pezza70

39        dunblanemike

34        Cristo

33        Saturn

32        Kinnoull Kicker, NateSJFC

29        Cagerf, Indicator

27        slf, Two Cups 2021

26        chips, Hoodlum65

25        Gekko

12        ejksjfc

6          St. Paddy

3          R.B.B:- Adz, WLSaint712

1          glenrothes saintee


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Round 18 - Motherwell (A)


Another loss. 1-2 was predicted by PSJ.84, 4 others forecast a loss.


Maswanhise scored 1st & was predicted by Saintdunc, 2 people predicted Sparrow or Clark to score.



No red card, however 1 person gets a point if you predicted Balmer,  to be carded.


This Round

5          PSJ.84, Saintdunc

3          pezza70

2          blueheaven, dunblanemike

1          Coltrane, NateSJFC


Latest Standings

55        Steve McQueen

51        PSJ.84, Saintdunc

46        blueheaven

44        pezza70

42        Coltrane

41        dunblanemike

34        Cristo

33        NateSJFC, Saturn

32        Kinnoull Kicker

29        Cagerf, Indicator

27        slf, Two Cups 2021

26        chips, Hoodlum65

25        Gekko

12        ejksjfc

6          St. Paddy

3          R.B.B:- Adz, WLSaint712

1          glenrothes saintee

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  • 4 weeks later...

Round 19 - Kilmarnock (H)


Big W, 1-0 was predicted by Steve McQueen, 5 others forecast a win.


Kirk scored the only goal & was predicted by Cagerf, Cristo, Saintdunc, Saturn, slf.



Red card for Donnelly but not predicted, however 3  others gets a point if you predicted Holt, Raymond, Deas to be carded.


This Round

6          Steve McQueen

5          Cagerf, Cristo, slf

3          Saintdunc, Saturn

2          Hoodlum6, NateSJFC

1          Coltrane, Indicator


Latest Standings

61        Steve McQueen

54        Saintdunc

51        PSJ.84

46        blueheaven

44        pezza70

43        Coltrane

41        dunblanemike

39        Cristo

36        Saturn

35        NateSJFC

34        Cagerf

32        Kinnoull Kicker, slf

30        Indicator

28        Hoodlum65

27        Two Cups 2021

26        chips

25        Gekko

12        ejksjfc

6          St. Paddy

3          R.B.B:- Adz, WLSaint712

1          glenrothes saintee

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Round 20 - Rangers (H)


Descent start, disapointing end. 0-1 was predicted by PSJ.84, 9 others forecast a loss.


Own goals don’t count & noone predicted No Scorer.



No red card, however 9  others gets a point if you predicted Raymond, Sprangler, Raskin or Hagi to be carded.


This Round

6          PSJ.84

3          chips, Hoodlum65, R.B.B:- Adz, Saintdunc, Steve McQueen

2          Coltrane, NateSJFC, pezza70, Two Cups 2021

1          blueheaven, Kinnoull Kicker, slf


Latest Standings

64        Steve McQueen

57        PSJ.84, Saintdunc

47        blueheaven

46        pezza70

45        Coltrane

41        dunblanemike

39        Cristo

37        NateSJFC

36        Saturn

34        Cagerf

33        Kinnoull Kicker, slf

31        Hoodlum65

30        Indicator

29        chips, Two Cups 2021

25        Gekko

12        ejksjfc

6          R.B.B:- Adz, St. Paddy

3          WLSaint712

1          glenrothes saintee


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Round 21 - Aberdeen (A)


Decent point on the road. 1-1 was predicted by Hoodlum65 & Saturn, 3 others forecast a draw.


Kirk scored 1st but wasnt predicted by anyone, 3 people predicted Clarkson to score.



No red card, however 6 peo gets a point if you predicted Rubezic, Milne, Nisbet, Palaversa, Shinnie, Neilson, Sprangler, Clark or Rae to be carded.


This Round

5          Hoodlum65, Saturn

3          Cristo

2          Kinnoull Kicker, NateSJFC, slf

1          Coltrane, dunblanemike, Gekko, Saintdunc, Steve McQueen, Two Cups 2021


Latest Standings

65        Steve McQueen

58        Saintdunc

57        PSJ.84

47        blueheaven

46        Coltrane, pezza70

42        Cristo, dunblanemike

41        Saturn

39        NateSJFC

36        Hoodlum65

35        Kinnoull Kicker, slf

34        Cagerf

30        Indicator, Two Cups 2021

29        chips

26        Gekko

12        ejksjfc

6          R.B.B:- Adz, St. Paddy

3          WLSaint712

1          glenrothes saintee


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Round 22 - St Mirren (H)


Dissapointing end. 2-3 wasnt predicted by anyone, 1 person forecast a loss.


Phillips scored 1st but wasnt predicted by anyone, 9 prople predicted Kirk, Kimpioka, Mooney or Idowu to score.



No red card, however 11 people gets a point if you predicted Holt, Sanders, Kiltie or Olusanya to be carded.


This Round

3          Saintdunc

2          blueheaven, Cagerf, Kinnoull Kicker, slf, Steve McQueen

1          chips, Coltrane, Cristo, Hoodlum65, NateSJFC, pezza70, PSJ.84, Saturn, Two Cups 2021


Latest Standings

67        Steve McQueen

61        Saintdunc

58        PSJ.84

49        blueheaven

47        Coltrane, pezza70

43        Cristo

42        dunblanemike, Saturn

40        NateSJFC

37        Hoodlum65, Kinnoull Kicker, slf

36        Cagerf

31        Two Cups 2021

30        chips, Indicator

26        Gekko

12        ejksjfc

6          R.B.B:- Adz, St. Paddy

3          WLSaint712

1          glenrothes saintee

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