Socrates MacSporran

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Profile Information

  • Biography
    Semi-retired sports writer, I run a blog for fun, but also write a lot of obituaries of well-known sportsmen and women for national newspapers.
  • Location
    New Cumnock, East Ayrshire
  • Interests
    Sports, reading, driving
  • Occupation
    Semi-retired sports writer

Socrates MacSporran's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. I have now written and filed Aggie's obituary to the relevant papers. Many thanks to those of you who posted your helpful comments and memories. You were great.
  2. Thanks 'AthensSaint and Balhousie Blue 1884'. Wee stories like that are gold dust in an obit. The only essential facts I am still missing are: Aggie's actual date of birth, confirmation she had two sons, one of whom, Adam, died in 2011 - I still need the name of her surviving son.
  3. Thanks for that saintgscot - I am gradually getting the information I need together.
  4. Thanks Dave, I am already in touch with Paul, but, as yet he has been unable to answer the above questions.
  5. HELP!! I have been asked to write Aggie's obituary for a couple of daily newspapers, and am struggling to find-out the following details, which are essential for a full obituary. What was Aggie's maiden name - before she married Bob? How long were they married? How many children did they have? (I have been told, two sons, one of whom has died) In what part of Perth did Aggie live? Aggie was such a legend, I want to do her memory justice - any help appreciated. Thanks