This Really Boils My Piss


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And, while I'm on a roll - if I go into a shop and buy something, when I get to the checkout I always say hello to the person serving me. But sometimes they just take your item and completely ignore you - is it really that much of a chore for them to say hello back??? :shock::evil:


The customer service in this country really boils my piss. Imagine the me wanting to buy something and getting treated as I was an inconviniance... If i was these guys managers i would fire a rocket up their arses or fecking sack them on the spot.... Worse is when you go into a small shop and they are on the phone on clearly a personal phone call and just ignore you... AAARGGHH.

Gonna have to stop now as my piss is starting to boil just thinking about it......

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Tough Call. Having gone through the stresses have having a teenager in the house the following observations are made................................

A1. At 14 she is growing up Wendy!


A2. I hope you gave him a bollocking!


A3. How much did she want to go and see the game?

I do sympathise and empathise though.

A2, Dunc; most irresponsible of him. I didn't care for them going in the first place, and then this happens. I was not happy.

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-Drivers stopped on a side road who, as you are approaching, wait until the last possible moment to stomp the gas pedal, burning rubber, just to pull out in front of you on a two lane highway - especially when you're the only car for miles - and then drive 30 MPH in a 70.

-Also what rips ma knitting are drivers who pull out into the middle of the road trying to get out out of a junction blocking the on coming traffic rather than waiting for a suitable gap.

-It also annoys me when the elderly are walking out of a shop in front of you, and they decide to stop in the doorway so you can't get past - and then, when you say "excuse me" to them so that you can get out, they look at you as if it's you who's being rude.

-Another one involving people in shop doorways - if someone is coming through a door behind me, I will always hold it open for them - but I've noticed that a lot of people don't say thanks and don't even acknowledge you. When that happens I always make a point of loudly saying "YOU'RE WELCOME!".

-Another one... when you're walking down the street and you accidentally bump into someone, and you say sorry but they tut and go "tsk". Even though you're both equally at fault - they should be apologising too!

This thread is the best therapy ever!! Ive always been made to think its just me that gets annoyed at these things.

Another of my pet hates is goods in shops without prices on them. Naturally its the ones I want to buy.

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Customers who moan about the service they get in stores. If they saw the abuse and ignorance staff get in stores theyd be exactly the same. How about looking at the person serving you? How about putting your phone down for a minute and not being too fcuking rude and speaking right through me serving you. Ill just be rude back and shout at you. 'THATS £36 THEN!!!!' 'THANK YOU... BYE NOW!!!' All till points should have weapons to hit rude customers with. Mwahahahaha!

Drivers who dont indicate when going round circles. How the fcuk am i supposed to get out if i dont know where your going?

Drivers who go down the middle of the two lanes round a circle. Youre not a bloody lorry!

Drivers who slowly nudge theyre way out at junctions so you HAVE to stop and let them out. Do you realise that im not going to let you out? Ill either move round you and give you the finger at the same time... or ill sit and peep at you until you move back and give me room.

And just all bad drivers in general.

Good therapy this is LAUGH OUT LOUD

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Agree about people who don't indicate on roundabouts. You are waiting to come out and these ignorant bastards just don't bother, so you have to be able to mind read. Then you have the audacity to come out when the prick looks like they are going straight on, when in fact they are turning right, they blast their horn and flash their lights as you end up in their way, the ****ers, and it's difficult for you to turn to give them some serious finger action. Aaaaaaaaaargh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wankers. :evil:

My piss is also boiled by people (usually Coagies) who refer to roundabouts as circles. :wink:

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Drivers who dont indicate when going round circles. How the fcuk am i supposed to get out if i dont know where your going?

Drivers who go down the middle of the two lanes round a circle. Youre not a bloody lorry!

Excuse me? Round what? None of your Dundonian pish, thanks very much! :twisted:

I'm 37.

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Continuing the driving theme (and I know Dev and Jamie will agree with this following Saturday evening's trip back south) are those people who insist on overtaking 5 or 6 cars in one go on single carriageway, then after being flashed by the car coming head on, they expect us to slow down and let them in.

Personally I would much prefer it if those being overtaken like this kept their standard pace and forced the muppets off the road - IDIOTS!!!

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My urine begins to simmer when people (like Chopper, for example) say, "He turned round and said blah blah blah," when it is ultra-rare that they have actually performed a rotation before saying it. Or have I got this wrong? Do people actually have conversations while facing away from each other? It's all very puzzling indeed.

I'm 37.

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People who smoke on buses.

People who can't stop talking about the weather.

People who tell unbelievable anicdotes that they are clearly making up as they go along to try and sound impressive. Apparently my old flatmate's dad invented the Sherman Tank even though he wasn't born until 1952.

Weegies, their cheeky-chappy patter really pisses me off, especially as you know their just talking to you as a build up to asking for 50p for the bus home.

Guys in pubs who claim to be members of the armed forces/IRA/UVF to try and intimidate you.

Guys who try and stare you out in clubs - I get this a lot, especiallt down South.

Old people in general. They walk extremely slowly in big lines taking up the entire pavement meaning you have to go on to the road to get round them, if you dare squeeze past they tut and looki at you as if you've just raped their first born (one old boy tripped me with his walking stick as I was squeezing past him when I was running for a bus). They also think they have the devine right to be at the front of all queues because they're getting on a bit, especially bus queues. They really boil my piss. That said, when I'm old I'm going to be exactly the same, worse even.

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Customers who moan about the service they get in stores. If they saw the abuse and ignorance staff get in stores theyd be exactly the same. How about looking at the person serving you? How about putting your phone down for a minute and not being too fcuking rude and speaking right through me serving you. Ill just be rude back and shout at you. 'THATS £36 THEN!!!!' 'THANK YOU... BYE NOW!!!' All till points should have weapons to hit rude customers with. Mwahahahaha!

Despite what I said earlier in the thread about shop assistants not saying "hello" back to you, I totally agree that it's just as bad the other way around. I used to work in a very small shop, where you were practically right in front of each customer as they came in, so I always felt obliged to say hello to them even before they came up to buy anything - the amount who would completely ignore me was incredible! Another thing I noticed when working in a shop was that people will mumble to you, and then when you have to say "pardon" because you don't have a clue what they've said, they'll just mumble again!! Don't they realise that "pardon" or "excuse me" are normally prompts to speak a little more clearly!? And some sodding manners wouldn't go amiss with most of those people either.

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Weegies, their cheeky-chappy patter really pisses me off, especially as you know their just talking to you as a build up to asking for 50p for the bus home

The very same weegies who refer to everyone as 'big man', even though the person is 5' 2, shortly before asking for 50p.

People who walk along the street immediately in front of you and stop suddenly for no apparent reason :twisted:

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WHat boils mine is the numpties who, when they approach road works that are down to one lane, accelerate up tht the cones and then try and force their way in thus holding up everyone else in the queue. If they would just join the queue like decent human beings, there would be no queue......... :?

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So how do they join the queue if there isn't one?!! :wink:

Well spotted Sherlock :lol: It is because of these twinkies that the queues exist, therefore if they joined a queue the queue would disappear fairly quickly resulting in a queue that wasn't there.......

My brain is starting to hurt really bad now :shock:

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