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Everything posted by slf

  1. braw stayed in the booozer
  2. was there one?or is there?
  3. johnny brogan gettin his record goal at alloa .cried i missed that but my dad didnae
  4. so now we know what happened at tannnadump.he a brave man fair play.
  5. my mates a burnley fan fae burnley he enjoyed takin the piss. but i let his tyres doon does that count.
  6. aye p@@S off back to scumrabia ya turban wearing peh stealing manky job swerving allotment shit stand crap uni and stick yer bbc right up yer law hill get tae
  7. they moaners are consistent,i consistently say ban em
  8. slf

    Left Full Back

    i do it as long as i get off for the iow
  9. i got mine and i seen my seat in the pa the day .right on.
  10. intae them skanky meadowbankers,bunch of losers.
  11. slf

    New Strips

    they new strips look braw.the strips of champions .no like the crap team stips of the last few years.
  12. slf


    yer right there too.out come the woodwork gang
  13. slf


    football is too expensive so you got to select the games you want to go season ticket go to all the home games pick a few away days and watch the results in the boozer for the rest.
  14. braw news that hope he doesnae do a roddy when he played for partick
  15. slf

    Welcome back

    braw mate .have some catching up to do eh?
  16. bollocks deutsheland uber alles
  17. 437 stella 440 brian hindle 421 march obviously