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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/18/2014 in all areas

  1. And here was me thinking Graham was our loan striker
    4 points
  2. jazzsaint

    Ibrox latest...

    Billy was at school this morning and the teacher asked all the children what their fathers did for a living. All the typical answers came out, fireman, policeman, salesman, chippy, captain of industry etc, but Billy was being uncharacteristically quiet and so the teacher asked him about his father. "My father is an exotic dancer in a gay club and takes off all his clothes in front of other men. Sometimes if the offer is really good, he'll go out with a man, rent a cheap hotel room and let them sleep with him." The teacher quickly set the other children some work and took little Billy aside to ask him if that was really true. "No" said Billy, "He plays football for Rangers but I was just too embarrassed to say....."
    3 points
  3. slf

    Cup Final Dvd

    I have no problems with the sound .i am too busy watching saints win the cup! Stuart cod grove is a tad loud though.at least you hear his interview of the players on the Sunday outside the concert hall.i couldn't make a word out of it on the day. What do some folk expect Dolby sound in stereo and quadrophonic? Enjoy
    2 points
  4. It's amusing that you are replying to me as if I'm the unreasonable one
    2 points
  5. We have more points than this poont last year and 4 of our next 5 games are at home against ICT,DUFC, ACCIES and THISTLE, great opportunity to kick on and press for a European place. We can of course also get to Europe through the CUP. Things looking up.
    2 points
  6. got 4 and 4 grandchildren so you never know might be room for more
    1 point
  7. Can`t imagine a Muhammed McPhee so it must reflect the birth rate of a certain percentage of the community.
    1 point
  8. Don't believe you . The average Muslim family consists of 6 people , the average Christian family consists of 3.5 . Better get shagging Saintee4life .
    1 point
  9. It's a forum , people don't have the same opinions as yourself , so what ? 101 saint hi-jacked and railroaded so many threads when he was on the forum (as 101saint that is) and was a complete t*** at times , don't think he should've been banned for what he eventually was though and certainly wouldn't be shouting for it to happen.
    1 point
  10. At the end of the day, The Corrina put together an offer for the supporters club to consider, it was discussed and rejected. That should be the end of it. No need for the slagging off of peoples businesses. I dont particularly like the Saints club in barossa street but do not resort to slagging it off. Think some people need to show some respect.
    1 point
  11. SlickDT

    Ph20 Project.

    Has to be a good thing. What I'd love to see in places like these are in house nutritionists and coaches that can help the public- Average Joe- not only maximise their performance in their hobby of choice, but also improve their health and fitness.
    1 point
  12. slf

    Cup Final Dvd

    I could give Ye a Len of mine if ye want.
    1 point
  13. Mannus Mackay Wright Anderson Easton Millar Davidson Lappin OHalloran Wotherspoon Graham 2-0 Saints
    1 point
  14. Steve Zissou

    Ibrox latest...

    Must admit, i'm not familiar with how football contracts are thrashed out, but i can't understand how McCoist was allowed to make those decisions. Surely a team managers role is to manage the team - they shouldn't be allowed anywhere near contract negotiations. I'm quite glad he's staying though. I was worried they were going to get someone competent in.
    1 point
  15. Al C

    Penalty Kick

    Reading between the lines there it is clear that MOH despises Brian Graham and can't wait until he leaves the club.
    1 point
  16. Coltrane

    Brian Graham

    Wheres the problem? He's scoring the penalties....that's whats important....
    1 point
  17. At last, an answer. So we can now accept that the site is an unreliable source and shouldn't be used to back up your arguments. Good too that you're now accepting that the supposedly "Muslim only" areas are in actual fact only "portrayed" to be Muslim only. Portayed by whom, you haven't said, but it's still the case that a portrayal and a fact are not the same thing. This is almost like progress. I am over the moon.
    1 point
  18. Please ban this disgusting bigot. I know I'm not being forced to read his pish but not a good image for WAP.
    1 point
  19. In the spirit of Xmas, I think we should suspend hostilities, and send RANGERS our best wishes, and our prayers that they return to the top, where they belong. God bless them, one and all. HahahahahahajahahahahahajahajahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahhaahahahahahahahajaajajahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahaahahajahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahaahahahahhaahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahuaHahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahHhahaahahahHhahahHhHHha Hic Hahahahahahajahaahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahaahaahahahaahahahaahaaahahaahaaaaahaahahahahaaahahahahhahahahahahahhah Oh shit the teas burning. Never mind. HahahahahahajahahahahahahahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahajahahahaahhahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahnanahahahahahahahahahahahhahaahahahahahhaahahhahahhaaahahahajahahahahahahhaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahajahahahahahahahahahahahhHhahaqhhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahnhAHAHHAAHAHAHHAHAAHAHHAHAAHAHAHAHJASORRY CAPLOCKhahaahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahaaauhahahahahahahahajanahajajahahahahah
    1 point
  20. It's a nightmare, all this. I think we're down to about a handful of morons who still think black etc people should be gassed on sight, thank god. There's also a handful at the other extreme who are PC brigade plus plus who go way over the top. Most of them are working out some middle-class guilt complex, and are no better than the fascists. In the middle, is the rest of us, slowly waking up to the strange idea that having a different skin colour, being disabled, being a woman, not going to a different church than the one we don't go to, etc etc might conceivably not be a reason to hate them. We're living through a silent revolution, which seems to be heading the right way. We'll all eventually get to the other side, where a wanker is a wanker because they are a wanker, and not because their great grandad came from Pakistan, or they have autism, or a vagina. See you on the other side. Peace and love, peace and love xxxxxx
    1 point
  21. ejksjfc

    Ibrox latest...

    A trained chimp could not have done a worse job than McCoist. The one thing that really pisses me off about the whole Rangers saga is all the supposed rangers greats coming out and saying it's time we got them back to where they belong,it should be remembered the place they belong is the Lowland League which is where Gretna rightly got relegated to. But then again the SFA/SPL/SPFL never had the balls to do that.
    1 point
  22. Would s4l accept that the vast majority of terrorist attacks perpetrated in the UK have been carried out by white Christians?
    1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. More likely you'll get a well reasoned argument for which you'll have no clear answer to and will continue to spout your bile. I notice while youre happy to start a thread on a muslim "nutter" who kills people, you happily avoid an equally tragic situationon the same day where a christian "nutter" kills 6 in the US. How long before we have this on our streets again?!?
    1 point
  25. Holy **** what a load of pish this is ! Brian Graham took and scored the last penalty , we won another so he was quite right to be in line to take the next . Tommy has said in the past he is ok about penalties being taken by the player who scored the last , until he misses . This thread cries "i've got badges so i know the way it should be ! " Well you feckin well don't and you obviously don't know what the players have been told . Knickerwetters !
    1 point
  26. saintj

    Penalty Kick

    At least M OH went over to celebrate, Graham would have taken a cream puff about it
    1 point
  27. angus-saint253

    Penalty Kick

    Definitely don't think there's any love lost between MoH/Graham and the penalty incident was a classic example. My impression of it is that Graham gets frustrated with the 'young guy' frequently opting to go it alone rather than squaring it to him. Understandable as Graham seems hungry to score and takes up a lot of dangerous positions in the box. MoH is young, confident and equally as hungry for goals (I also think there may be an element of "stop moaning, old timer"). Again this is understandable. This isn't a social club - they're playing well together and both scoring goals for us. Long may it continue
    1 point
  28. I think in this instance he may have been a nutter who was a muslim tbh. There are around 1.6 billion muslims in the world. I would argue that there is a very small radical minority. Put it this way. Were all Germans Nazi's? Were all Irish people in the IRA? Are all Basques in ETA?
    1 point
  29. Heinz to Saints ( very good saurce)
    1 point